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Peer-Support Networks
South Dakota
Physician Moms Group
April 11th
May 16th
June 20th
July 18th
Aug 15th
Sept 19th
Oct 16th
Once a month, (generally every third Tuesday) South Dakota Physician Moms gather virtually from 7-8pm Central Time to discuss the unique trials and joys of their lifestyle.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 885 0189 6286
Passcode: 171665
Email with any problems.
South Dakota
Retired Physician Group
April 10th
May 8th
Summer Break
Sept 11th
Oct 9th
Meets monthly (generally the second Monday) at the All Day Cafe 2101 W. 41st Street in Sioux Falls, SD from 8-9:30am. RSVPs appreciated but not necessary.
Email Dann Heinemann or Tad Jacobs with any questions or concerns.
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