The SD Physician Well Being Program is a comprehensive initiative offered by the SD State Medical Association (SDSMA), and made possible with financial contributions from Sanford Health, Avera Health, Monument Health, COPIC, and the SDSMA. PWBP aims to provide resources that enable physicians to thrive professionally and personally, ultimately improving their overall well-being. Key components of PWBP include:
Confidential Services: PWBP is a program of the SD State Medical Association and is a member of the Federation of State Physician Health Programs. Via contract with Midwest Health Management Services, PWBP provides access to confidential evaluation and counseling resources. PWBP creates a safe and confidential option for physicians to discuss and address their well-being needs including substance use and mental health related concerns. A person's participation in PWBP is confidential and not subject to discovery, subpoena, or a reporting requirement, unless the physician voluntarily provides for written release of the information or the disclosure is required to meet the licensee's obligation to report a criminal charge or action, or unprofessional or dishonorable conduct, as defined in §§ 36-4-30, 36-4-30.1, and 36-4A-38.
Peer Support Networks: PWBP has established peer support networks to allow physicians to connect and share experiences with colleagues who understand the unique challenges they face. These networks can provide a sense of community, promote open dialogue, and facilitate emotional support. For more information, please click on the well-being resource tab below.
Education and Outreach: PWBP offers education and outreach on various topics focused on improving well-being and providing support to navigate personal and professional demands.
Ongoing Care Management: PWBP offers an option for voluntary ongoing care management to provide support, accountability, and advocacy.
Research and Evaluation Initiative: PWBP incorporates research and evaluation components to assess interventions and identify areas for improvement. PWBP follows the Federation of State Physician Health guidelines and best practices. Data-driven approaches help tailor the program to the specific needs of the physicians’ utilizing services and evaluate impact over time.
All SD licensed physicians are eligible to access services with PWBP. When you contact PWBP:
Option for in-person, or virtual remote access appointments.
PWBP provides timely access to experienced, qualified licensed professionals who will provide guidance, support and strategies to improve your well-being.
Your contact is confidential, and you can be assured your information will be kept private within legal and ethical limits.
During your initial contact, PWBP may ask questions aimed at understanding your concerns, and providing appropriate support to promote your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
Ongoing PWBP services are private and confidential and there is no electronic medical record and tailored to support individualized needs.